
Guildford Golf Club

Guildford Golf Club


Tue 11

Course Status

Guildford Golf Club: Course Open. Winter Rules, Trolleys allowed, but please carry if you can. No Buggies.

Course Risk Assessment

Wet and Icy conditions

In such times be very careful on paths and steps and avoid walking on steep banks.

Adverse Weather

In serious and adverse weather conditions such as thunder, lightning and/or torrential rain, the course will be closed at the discretion of the Director of Golf, Club Secretary or other member of the management team.

The signal for the course being closed will be a klaxon sounded for a continued period of time. ALL golfers MUST evacuate the course as quickly as possible. The course will be re-opened again on the instruction of the Director of Golf or Club Secretary, when all perceived danger has passed.

If the wind speed is 50mph or more the Club may decide to close the course for the safety of staff and golfers due to the risk of falling branches and debris. 


If the fog prevents the course from opening before 7:30am, the greenkeepers will have informed the Club that the course is not safe to open. From 7:30am, the Pro Shop staff shall determine if the course is safe and ready for golf to be played by checking the visibility at the 3rd hole. The copse of trees adjacent to the 5th tee box must be fully visible from the 3rd tee box.  In the event of worsening fog while on the golf course the decision whether to stop play lies with the golfers. If you cannot see your intended target then it is not safe to continue and you must return safely to the Clubhouse. This is so other players, staff and walkers on the course can be as safe as possible.

If the course is closed due to fog, then tee times do not get pushed back. If your tee time has been missed, you will have to rebook at the next available time.  

Animal Holes

Although the green keeping staff endeavour to fill in animal holes, please be aware that there will always be some on the course and take care where you are walking.

Access to Tees 

Several of our tee boxes are raised and access is via steps. Please use the steps to avoid wearing away the banks, but take care to walk only on the tread mats and do not step on the bare wooden sleepers which can be very slippery when wet or icy.

Other Golfers and Members of the Public

Watch out for members of the public at all times as they may not be aware of the layout of the course or where they should be looking. Before taking practice swings, position yourself well away from and facing towards your fellow players. Do not play until those in front or members of the public are out of range. Instead, take a minute or two to admire the scenery. Shout ‘fore!’ if you believe a wayward shot of yourself or a playing partner may hit another player or member of the public.


It is the duty of members and their guests and visiting players to report any injuries sustained or near misses, or dangerous occurrences. In this way, the club can actively work on accident prevention. A logbook is kept in the pro-shop.

Course Risk Assessment – hole by hole

Practice Range – beware traffic and the public crossing 80 yards ahead – especially if the sun is in your eyes. Do not hit shots over 150 yards. Beware hooks onto 18th fairway.

1st – do not endanger fellow players with your practice swings. Beware walkers on left hand path and crossing fairway. Do not start if fog obscures the fairway bunker.

2nd – watch out for walkers crossing between tee and bunker

3rd – be aware of people playing on the 11th, anywhere from the tee to the green, or standing on the 5th tee. Be ready to call ‘fore’ in case of a wayward tee shot.

4th – when on the green or parking up trolleys on right side of green, pay attention to those driving off on the 5th and take the appropriate route. A slice (of bad luck) might come your way.

5th – be ready to shout ‘fore’ if you hit a slice across the 4th green or up the 4th fairway

5th6th and 9th to 10th – take great care crossing the tarmac road. It is narrow and vehicles are travelling in both directions at speed. Look out for your playing partners.

10th – The path is only 50 yards ahead of tee – watch out for walkers especially emerging from trees on right.

11th – Be aware that a wayward tee shot could endanger those teeing off from the 12th

12th – path crossing fairway is in range for some off the tee, and normal players with their second shots

13th – There is a path behind and left of green so watch out for walkers. The 14th tee box is also in range for sliced drives, especially when winter tees are in use, so please take care.

14th – tee shot is over path. Pay attention to those driving on the 13th especially if playing off the short (nearby) tee.

15th – blind tee shot over the pit – don’t play until bell rings and watch out for walkers around the pit rim. Second shot over path. Ring bell for next group. Also be aware of golfers walking up to or on the 16th green.

16th – tee shot crosses path and walkers coming from right can be obscured

17th – pay particular attention to walkers entering blind area left of fairway. The road across fairway is in range from the tee for big hitters so DO NOT HIT IF THERE IS ANYONE ON THE TRACK. Path emerges from dense trees on right which hide walkers

18th – road across 18th is in range of the tee, so check if there are any walkers before playing, particularly to right hand side which is semi obscure from the tee. Watch out for stray shots coming from the practice range.

Reviewed on the 01.10.22

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.